Michel Chossudovsky at GlobalResearch has written a short history of the new generation nuclear missiles he claims are being considered for an attack on Iran.
He writes : "In an utterly twisted logic, the nuclear bunker buster bomb is presented as an instrument of peace-making and regime change, which will enhance global security. It is intended to curb the dangers of WMD proliferation by 'nonstate organizations (terrorist, criminal)' and 'rogue states'. Pentagon propaganda has carefully distorted the nature of this bomb.
"The B61-11 is casually described as causing an underground explosion without threatening 'the surrounding civilian population'.
"The Pentagon has blurred the distinction between conventional battlefield weapons and nuclear bombs. Already during the Clinton Administration, the Pentagon was calling for the use of the 'nuclear' B61-11 bunker buster bomb, suggesting that because it was 'underground', there was no toxic radioactive fallout which could affect civilians."